Your baby’s first year milestones

In the first year, babies learn and grow at an astonishing pace. These 12 months are full of exciting developmental milestones, from saying “mummy” or “daddy” to sitting up, crawling, and maybe even taking those important first steps.

Although all children develop at different rates, there is a standard timeline that most babies follow.

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What are developmental milestones?

Baby milestones are achievements or skills you can expect your child to achieve or learn in the first year of life. Tracking certain milestones helps you and your baby’s pediatrician make sure your baby’s development is on track.

As you learn what baby milestones to expect this year, keep in mind that this is just a guideline. Every child is unique and develops at his own pace.

If your baby is advanced in one skill (say, crawling or walking), he may be less advanced in another (such as talking). Rest assured, there is a wide range of what is considered normal.

How do I know if my baby has a developmental delay?

Let your baby’s pediatrician know if you notice that your child is behind certain baby milestones from month to month. Here’s a quick guide, broken down by year:

  • 1 month: Has feeding problems; does not respond to loud noises or bright lights; does not focus on objects close to the face; or has limbs that appear very stiff or limp.
  • 3 months: It doesn’t respond to the sound of your voice; does not smile, chatter, or grasp and hold objects.
  • 7 months: Does not cuddle or show affection to its primary caregiver; does not seem to enjoy people; has eyes that do not focus, often cross or appear to be rolling; cannot sit without help; I cannot bear any weight on my legs; don’t chatter; or shows no interest in peekaboo.
  • 12 months: Does not crawl or pull to one side when crawling; unable to stand even when supported; or does not try to speak words or communicate with gestures.

If your child is not meeting these specific milestones, his pediatrician may want to check for developmental delays. The earlier potential problems are detected, the sooner they can be resolved, often leading to a better outcome.

“Often at your pediatrician visit, you’ll be asked to fill out a questionnaire about developmental milestones,” says Chandani DeZure, MD, FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician and member of BabyCenter’s medical advisory board. “Read them carefully and answer them honestly to get the best estimate. For children under 3 there is Early interventiona free government program that will come to your home and assess your baby’s milestones and provide services if there are significant delays.”

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For more information on how to help your baby meet physical milestones, see Achieving physical milestones through playBabyCenter’s course on using play to encourage your baby’s healthy development.

Here are baby milestones to watch out for, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the March of Dimes and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Milestones 1 month old

  • He tries different facial expressions
  • It can recognize your scent
  • Be startled by loud sounds (hearing is fully developed)
  • Can see things 8 to 12 inches away (vision develops)
  • Enjoys high contrast patterns, especially black and white
  • They may be able to hold their heads up for a while
  • He may be able to turn his head from side to side during the tummy time

Learn more about your 1-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

Milestones 2 months old

  • He brings his hands to his mouth
  • Possibly self-soothes by thumb-sucking
  • Makes a cooing sound
  • He turns his head to sounds, especially your voice
  • Visually follows the object in front of them
  • He tries to look at his parent’s face
  • It has improved head and neck control, thanks to plenty of tummy time
  • Makes arm and leg movements smoother
  • He calms down when comforted by their primary caregiver
  • He can smile

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Learn more about your two-month-old baby’s milestones, growth and development.

3 month old milestones

  • Smiles socially in response to others
  • Raises the head and chest during the abdominal period and possibly supports the upper body with the hands
  • A kick when placed on the back
  • It pushes on the feet when placed on a solid surface
  • Face watches
  • Follows objects with eyes
  • He turns his head towards the sounds
  • Makes gibberish and imitates sounds
  • Has improved hand-eye coordination
  • He reaches for toys and may be able to catch them
  • Open and close your hands
  • It might start rolling from stomach to back
  • He can laugh

Learn more about your three-month-old baby’s milestones, growth and development.

4 month old milestones

  • Smile at familiar faces
  • Recognizes objects, such as a favorite toy
  • Uses hands and eyes together to reach and grab objects of interest
  • He enjoys playing with toys
  • He starts babbling, especially when spoken to
  • Imitates sounds and facial expressions
  • They open their mouths for a bottle or breast when they are hungry
  • Keep your head still without support
  • Pushes the body to the elbows during the belly
  • Can be rolled from stomach to back
  • It can be frustrating when it’s time to stop playing

Learn more about your 4-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

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5 month old milestones

  • He enjoys playing games like peek-a-boo
  • He can probably roll over from his stomach to his back
  • Lifts and moves objects with hands
  • Understands cause and effect (for example, that dropping a block makes a noise)
  • It can start (or stop) making noises with objects to elicit a response from you
  • May be able to sit when supported by pillows

Learn more about your 5-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

6 month old milestones

  • Recognizes famous people
  • Enjoys looking in the mirror (self-recognition)
  • He reacts to other people’s emotions
  • Stick out your tongue and blow (also makes a “raspberry”)
  • Pronounces some consonant sounds, like “m” and “b”
  • Responds to own name
  • They are curious about the world around them
  • Explores objects using their mouth
  • Shifts toys between hands
  • Rolling from belly to back and back to belly
  • He probably enjoys jumping on his feet when supported
  • He laughs or laughs
  • He may try to get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth
  • He may be able to sit without support

“Each baby learns at his own pace!” he says BabyCenter Community member SmileyMiss. “I’d say just keep modeling it. The baby will get it eventually!”

Learn more about your 6-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

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7 month old milestones

  • Rolls in both directions (belly to back and back to belly)
  • He notices and follows distant objects with his eyes
  • He reaches with one hand
  • Lifts larger objects
  • Moves objects between hands
  • Uses a “raking” motion to move small objects
  • He babbles strings of consonants like “ma ma ma ma”
  • It reacts to the emotions in your voice
  • He likes to play with you
  • He may be able to sit without support
  • Can understand some words, including own name and “no”
  • They may be able to support their own weight on their legs when held under their armpits

Learn more about your 7-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

I don’t worry too much about milestones. Every baby is different and gets to know them faster or slower. But if you are genuinely concerned, I would tell the pediatrician.

– BabyCenter Community Member Newmomnervous

8 month old milestones

  • Sit without support
  • He babbles consistently
  • Easily transfers objects between hands
  • He could crawl
  • Can say some words, like “mommy”
  • Can catch smaller objects
  • It can be attached to a special toy
  • They can pull back to stand up

Learn more about your 8-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

9 month old milestones

  • He claps his hands
  • Attempts to wave
  • It raises their arms so you can raise them
  • Picks up small objects like finger food
  • Remembers the location of toys and other objects
  • Understands certain words, like their name and “no”
  • It makes many different sounds
  • He probably started crawling
  • He can come to a sitting position and sit without support
  • They can probably get away with stopping
  • He may cry when you leave because of separation anxiety
  • Can use fingers to point
  • He may be afraid of strangers and cling to his parents

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Learn more about your 9-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

10 month old milestones

  • Experiment with toys by shaking, throwing or banging them
  • Copies your speech patterns
  • He can probably understand and use some of the child’s sign language
  • They can communicate using basic movements, such as pointing to objects they want
  • Maybe he’s crawling
  • They can pull up to stop
  • They could take a few steps themselves

Learn more about your 10-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

11 month old milestones

  • Understands more words
  • It looks at objects when they are named
  • Uses gestures to communicate, such as waving goodbye
  • He could say the first words
  • You may be able to lift with support and stand for a few seconds
  • Can “cruise” while standing and holding on to furniture or a walking toy
  • You may take a few steps without support
  • You may be able to follow simple instructions

Learn more about your 11-month-old’s milestones, growth and development.

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12 month old milestones

  • Sit without support
  • On hands and knees
  • He pulls back to stand up
  • He likes to play games like cake with pate
  • Crawl
  • Cruises (walking while standing and holding on to furniture or a walking toy)
  • Explores objects by hitting, shaking and dropping
  • Moves objects in and out of containers
  • Use a sippy cup
  • Says single words, like “daddy” or “uh oh”
  • He tries to imitate the words
  • Remembers where objects are hidden
  • Responds to simple commands
  • See the exact image when the image is named
  • Uses movements, such as shaking the head no
  • Points to objects or people of interest
  • Shows preferences for specific people or toys
  • He is probably experiencing some separation anxiety
  • He can hold a marker and try to scribble
  • Can remain standing without support
  • Can walk without support

“I don’t worry too much about milestones. Every baby is different and meets them faster or slower,” she says BabyCenter Community member of Newmomnervous. “But if you’re genuinely concerned, I’d bring it up with the pediatrician.”

Key Takeaways

  • While all babies grow and learn at their own pace, there are physical, social, and cognitive milestones that most babies reach around the same time.
  • If your baby is not meeting some or all of the developmental milestones listed above, talk to your pediatrician to see if he or she may have a developmental delay.
  • For a more in-depth look at milestones and tools to help you track your baby’s development, go to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the March of Dimes, or the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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