Why does my doctor want me to pay for the delivery of your baby?

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When she was pregnant with his other child, Mary Beth Foster of Charlotte, North Carolina, received a hospital bill for all his prenatal meetings plus work and delivery. Yes, before the son was still born.

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Confused, she and her husband called her ob-Gyn’s office to ask why they were charged so advance. The office explained that global collection or combines all charges for a medical event in one account, often in advance, was a new policy.

“We received a global account (at our 6 week meeting) to confirm the pregnancy,” she says. “I remember that it was strange to collect the front front in such an early stage in pregnancy.” So, what if something goes wrong? Shall we get this money? “

This type of payment is more common than you may think that: 17% of Mom reports most of their fee for work and delivery before childbirth, according to a recent baby survey. Here’s how it works, plus what you can do to ensure you don’t overpay.

What is global billing?

Global Billing is a model of payment in which health service providers combine all the costs of care for a certain period or a particular medical event in one account, explains Kecia GaithetherOpens a new windowMD, MPH, OB-Gyn and Perinatal Service Director / Medicine for Mothers Fetus on NYC Health + Hospitals / Lincoln in Bronx. It is often used when the same health care provider covers all services.

“This may include everything from the initial consultation to monitor visits, laboratory tests, recording and hospital care tests, depending on the provision of health care,” she says.

Key writing

  • Global billing is when the estimated cost of health care for a certain period or certain medical event combines into a single account.
  • One in 6 mom reports to pay their work and delivery in this way, emissions in a new baby survey.
  • Global collection can save you money in prenatal care, but it can also make it more complicated to switch the service provider.

How a global pregnancy calculation?

For pregnant women, a global account usually covers regular prenatal examinations and consultations, routine laboratory tests, ultrasounds and other necessary projections, as well as all costs associated with work and delivery, plus immediate postpartal care in the hospital, dr. Gathether.

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Global collection intention is to facilitate the payment process and less confusing new parents. However, only routine obstetrics disposes of covered with global collection. Complications of pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, placenta and preeclampsia, nor are additional ultrasounds, amniocentesis and additional care for high-risk pregnancy. This means that you can receive additional accounts for any of these concerns.

“Pregnancy and delivery are not exactly a great-awareness,” Foster says. “We were confused about how we could appear with digits to owe before we go through all that. The picture they gave us in accordance with what I can’t throw it on our first delivery, so I can’t say I’m shocked.”

While inciting one lump sum, some service providers provide payment plans, essentially share a larger, global account compared to nine to 10 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of global billing

Although global collection is intended for simplifying the collection procedure for new parents and service providers, there are several advantages and shortcomings in practice.


  • Creates less paperwork for parents and health care facilities.
  • Covers most routine pregnancies and delivery.
  • In theory you can use a flexible spending account (FSA) or health saving account (HSA) to pay for global billing billing, although it can be difficult because some FSAS do not allow services to pay for services.
  • For patients, it is usually cheap for patients because insurance companies often negotiate the lower accounts for services that use global collection.
  • If your provider allows you to pay for payments with global billing, you can expand costs throughout pregnancy compared to getting a large delivery account at the end.

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  • Non-routine care and additional testing are usually not covered, so you can get additional accounts.
  • Patients are still responsible for deductions and coats.
  • Switching the service provider may be a bit heavy (more about this below).

Can you turn off from global billing?

A brief answer is no. If your provider uses global billing as your billing practices, you may not have a choice for different, dr. Gither. However, you may be able to set up a payment plan to reduce costs in advance.

If you are truly worried about the global billing process, you can look for a supplier who does not use it – although it could be difficult because it becomes more popular, especially for pregnancy care.

If you are not sure if your practice uses global billing, check your code billing statement such as 59400, 59510, although your service provider should tell you if they use this practice of collection.

A few weeks after delivery started getting accounts … we were like, “Didn’t we pay all this up?”

– Mary Beth Foster

If you have insurance, your insurance company will pay the fee set, which is also called a global fee. You are still responsible for covering deductions if you are globally charged for your pregnancy and delivery.

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If you don’t have insurance, you can still receive a global account. Remember: You have the right to ask your estimate service provider how previously you owed, so you can prepare financially.

What if you need to transfer service providers after paying a global account?

One fall to global charges is that if you prepare attention in advance, you are more tied to use that doctor or practice for the entire pregnancy; Switching service providers After paying a global account can be agreed a little.

If you decide to switch, you will need to facilitate communication between your new and old service providers, ensure your medical records are transferred, and potentially pay (second) account, as codes and services may differ from one supplier to the next. You may need to request a refund from your previous supplier. Be sure to contact your insurance provider to understand the implications of the transition to a new provider, dr. Gather.

What if something goes wrong with pregnancy?

In case of abortion, you should not receive a global pregnancy account if you haven’t already. But if you paid in advance, like Foster, it can agree a little.

You can request a refund from your service provider or submit a dispute with your insurance company. Unfortunately, you may still get another account – for your abortion. Surgical D & C can cost anywhere from 709 to $ 15,199Opens a new window.

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What to do if you have a question about a global account

Although global collection simplifies the process of collecting new parents, and often can result in lower accounts for hospitals, it is not perfect.

“A few weeks after childbirth, we started getting accounts from the hospital,” Foster says. “We were like:” What gives? Didn’t we pay all this up? “

As it turned out, global collection encourages those accounts, but the paperwork that arrived did not explain. Moreover, they expected to receive a refund since delivered early and missed several meetings, but it was not the case.

“I actually finished for a few hundred dollars,” Foster says. “My balance, including the care I received in the hospital, was something more than a global fee I paid for, which was part of what confused me … I feel like I was looking for a pretty minor.”

Here’s what to do if you have similar questions with a global account, according to Wells G. Wilkinson, JD, senior supervisory lawyer on Laws for health protectionOpens a new windowLaw on the Attorney’s Office of Public Interest Specialized in health care and insurance insurance.

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Turn attention to the advantages of your health plan

“It is very important for the expector to understand what is covered in their health plans, including prenatal and providing delivery of doctors and hospital in which it is expected to happen,” says Wilkinson.

Review your plan for the plan, which describes all services covered, plus the schedule of advantage, which exhibits co-workers, insurance and deductions. Keep in mind which services are excluded, plus what would be a cost sharing.

Further, Request a detailed account from your service provider

Review this carefully to ensure that you charge correctly.

“Parents need to check the service provider’s names, and the dates of any medical account, to see if the fee falls on the date that should be included in the batch payment,” explains the branches, “explains the bundle. “If so, you should call the service provider to see why these services are charged separately.”

Call your insurer if you suspect that there is a mistake

To struggle on the billing error by your provider, call your health plan and ask them to intercommune, says Wells. “Some health plans will call the providers and explain when the client should not be charged more than their amounts shared by the costs,” he says. “If that doesn’t work, (parents) should contact (their state-owned) attorney’s office in general and ask them to mediate and investigate if the collection is irregular.” You can find a list State Attorney General in the USA.govOpens a new window.

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The daily health group of pregnancies and parenting discusses the Monthly Survey of MSS®, the day-to-day health group – pregnancy and parenting between 28. and 29. January 2025. Years. We surveyed 387 American respondents aged 18 to 45 years old who have at least one child up to 5 years. The research was on the Federation Council for the research of Dynata.

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