Name Me Lawand Film Review

Overview of a healthy reasonable medium

Kat Halstead

From Kat Halstead

Based on the research of the development of the child. How do we rate?

Age 10+

Hopper documentary mentions threat, discrimination.

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What is the story like?

In the name Lawand, documentary film products follow the experience of the younger deaf boy who spent the early years in Iraq, incapable of communicating with those around them. He will never have a good life there, his family decides to seek asylum through Europe, finally end up in Derby, England. Here he receives the support to be learned to communicate with others, shed light on the world around him and finally help him understand who he is and how it fits.

Is that good?

Our review:

Parents say :
Not yet rated

The children say:
Not yet rated

And too many, this award-winning documentary shows the trauma of a young child, but also offers a window in an incredible effect of the true type of help and support can have. In the name LawandFilmkaker Edward Lovelace uses creative audio and visual techniques to display the display. The viewers see each other in his confusion and insulation from the world around him, the most endangered in distorted sound effects and close-ups of his eyes that seem to be in the middle of chaos. When they initially articulate the words, they “fear” and “angry”, but as it advances thanks to the decision of your family to seek asylum and nurture in education of their teachers, laughing and newfound friendship. It must be twitching tears, and just as things are beginning to improve, the home office intervenes, threatening deportation. Even then, Lawidd bravely carries the burden of proof that progresses, along with the responsibility for the future of the whole family.

Talk to your kids about …

  • Families can talk about how the experience of deafness in Lawland is shown Name Me Lawand. What techniques used filmmakers, and how did Lawand begin to express his story?

  • What is the film show from the law and experience his family were refugees? How did he show their journey and the difference between their lives in Iraq and the UK?

  • Characters in the film – especially Lawand and his brother, Rawe-showed empathy, compassion and courage. Why are these important signs of signs? Can you think of time when you showed these qualities in your life?

Movie details

  • On DVD or streaming

    9. September 2024. Years

  • Throw

    Laward Hamadenin, Dance, Golaad, Golain Golbahar Hamaden, Rebwar Hamad

  • Director

    Edward Lovelace

  • Information on inclusion

    Middle Eastern / North African actors, Female actors

  • Studio


  • Genre


  • Theme

    Activism, brothers and sisters, friendship

  • Character forces

    Compassification, courage, empathy

  • Perform time

    91 minutes

  • MPAA Rating


  • Reward

    A choice of common sense

  • Last updated

    6. March 2025. Years

Did we miss something on diversity?

Research shows the connection between child’s healthy self-esteem and positive portraits in the media. That is why we added the “Different National Teams” section into our examinations that will overturn. You can help us to help children

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