Bridget Jones: Mad for boys sex / nudity 6
– a man and woman go on a meeting and flirting, they are kissing in a woman’s bedroom where a shirt is removed (see his bare crate, belly and back) and wears a slipping) that reveals splitting and her naked shoulders ) and sex is implied. Sleeveless shirt (see his naked breasts, belly and back) lies a woman on her bed and kisses her, whispering suggestive notes (sequence of them cut them in a bed holding their hands (has a leaf over her groin but he It implies he naked and wears skating; see her naked shoulders and splitting).
► A man and a woman kisses in front of a crowd in a few scenes. A man and a woman kisses, deepening a kiss and hugs. A man and a woman kiss at the party; Then we see that the woman licked a man’s face. At a party, a man and a woman dance and keeping each other, I press my cheeks together and kiss. Man helps wife break her dresses; Then they kiss and hug. The man kiss another man at the New Year Fun; The first man looks surprised. The man admits his love for a woman and then starts to worry that his feelings do not take mutual; Throw his arms around him and kiss him.
► At a party, a man teases the female butt of teaser while walking; She’s gonna go off and laugh. The woman is looking for a man if he is Danish. He tells her, “I can be all you want.” The man says to his wife to get to her house as faster he brought “to the country – breaking orgasm” and is called “dirty small fornic”; Several people around him turn to look at him, scandalized. The woman visits a man in the hospital and he tells her, “If I knew you were coming, I’d carry a thinner night night”; Later, the nurse reminds him of it that he should not remove his test for tests. Man talks to a woman coming out on the phone and says he’s coming soon to see her, “naughty old moth”; Exchanges the mention of sounds with her and a friend, which listens, laughs. The man says the woman he “looks hot,” then clarifies that he means “peeling” and implies that she is menopause.
► The woman buys condoms and cashier reads them names, including, “pleasure me”, “exotic flavors” and “sensitive”; The man hears it and it seems to her that she is not ashamed of telling her she has a good weekend. The man finds a child in bed with him and his wife, saying, “How did it happen? During a doctor’s meeting, the young girl’s reading about sex and sexually transmitted diseases (see the words” Gonorrhea “and “vagina”); He tries to say “gonorrhea” and “Syphilis” and the doctor corrects how to say “Syphilis”. Young girl throws a backpack and medical pamphlets for spilling sexual health; Her teacher picks them up and looks upset.
► Ranger Park helps a woman and her children from the tree; The female Voiceover indicates that he attracts him, and he must hold him around his waist and touch her thighs when it helps. The teenager (whom we hear is sixteen years) flirts with an adult woman at the party and flirting back.
► The woman arrives at work in TV studio in a good mood; A few people ask if she had sex before; He shouts that she had a “full night of the final sex mind” and the study audience begins to clap. People in a few scenes give advice to the widow to deal; Some people call to start hanging out and has “a lot of sex,” and others persuade that they don’t think about sex, and a woman says, please don’t tell me I have sex “, and a friend tells her no, she needs “leave pink bits alone.” The woman tells her friend that she had no sex in four years; Her friend says it’s time to “expand (F-Word deleted) circle” and both laugh. The woman tells her friend that he will soon have sex. Friends tell a woman that “was born – a virgin again” and that “(anatomical term will erase)”; The woman answers that he is now asexual and unseen as a sexual partner. The young man tells his mother that was the last time his uncle (family friend) Babysat, brought “three ladies with a large (anatomical expression)” who had a fight with a pillow; When the uncle arrives at Babysit, the boy asks if ladies come and man says they are busy “washing each other hair.” A woman reciring a song on stage uses phrases such as “tension of our bodies” and “primordial sweat.” The woman invites her friend to a bar called “Gold (anatomical term deleted).” The man asks a woman on the phone if she had fun and “had any (sexual reference)” on the event. The man, who kept her friend, asks her whether he will pay him and “try (delete the sexual reference)”. The man says woman that she became a nun after his wife’s death, “although a naughty nun.” In Voidovar, the woman talks about being alone, while everyone else in the world “with partners, looking at Netflix and have sex.” There are several dyss on dating and women sign her friend on one, making her profile, “tragic widow seeks sexual awakening”. The woman says he will meet a meeting that is “in the van nearby.” The woman goes to his gynecologist after an allergic reaction to the lip serum and the doctor says he does not work on “these types of lips.”
► The woman makes a comment on being on a new journey in life and feel like “a lion, witch and wardrobe”, but “the lion and witch are (deleted sexual reference).” Woman talks about the flirting on an app to get to know the man; Her friends discuss her “sexual” and persuade her on “(he erased sexual reference),” he says, “If not, I will.” The woman speaks of feeling self-consciously about his body with his friends and do not want to be naked with a man; They talk about removing the pubic hair and will he get the Brazilian wax. The woman says in VoiceOver, “The secret to calmer, happier parenting is one hundred.” The woman is worried that she became “sexually obsolete, like a panda.” The young girl tells his teacher about his mother’s boyfriend, describing him as “New Dad” and says “gives mom a fun hairstyle in the morning.” The man speaks of his previous sexual relationship with a woman, referencing “Sodomia in Sainsbury”. Man talks to his wife about his filling mode and approximately he is constantly conducting “flashing in a 20-year old man” and reminded of a former partner who thinks and wants to not end things; The woman reminds him of that “(sexual reference deleted) a sister”, and he answers: “Only once.” The woman says that the meal was the worst thing she had ever put in her mouth, and the other woman says he doubts it. The woman speaks of incomprehensible eggs and has a baby, and sperm from Denmark is mentioned.
► The man jumps in the pool at a party, completely dressed and when she appears, his white shirt soaked and saw; Removes a T-shirt and women at the party look at him in which a wonderful and one woman says, “Let’s get out of that wet clothes.”
► In several scenes, women carry low cutting dresses or shirts with visible splitting. Women wear the tops of the crop, revealing its medium. Men remove T-shirts, and we see bare torso and lie in a few scenes; And some are done in public while women are looking at admiration. In a few scenes we see a woman’s bra strap as she struggles to zip gown. The woman is trying on a shirt that a friend tells her is to see her; We can see her black bra through the fabric. The woman holds a few pairs of her underwear, putting down a big couple and choosing a small, chip couple. During the loan we see clips from previous films in the series that show a woman in Playboy Bunny costumes (splitting) and in underwear, running down the street (part of her butt is visible).