Overview of a healthy reasonable medium
From Jose Solis
Based on the research of the development of the child. How do we rate?
Age 10+
Inspiring doctor about pictures of painting celebrates diversity.
Not present
What is the story like?
Story and pictures celebrating the world of children’s focus on three modern authors, Christian Robinson, Yuyi Morales, which shares insight into their artistic process and how the images grew up in their life. Documentary film also explores the impact of a classic like Where are wild things, Good night, and Snow day To display how the picture books helped in the form of children’s attitudes on topics adults don’t always know how to talk.
Is that good?
The largest images of the image books have one thing in common: they deal with children with respect, kind and complete lack of summary. They understand children are not “tiny adults”, but human beings constantly absorb new information about the world around them and shaping their dreams, hopes and fears. Just like the biggest pictures of the image, a documentary Story and pictures Transfers this spirit.
Director Joanna Rudnick uses inventive animated techniques to revive some loved ones, sharing books like Very hungry caterpillar and Where are wild things He came and why they were so revolutionary. Rudnick also celebrates the work of modern masters like Mac Barnett, Christian Robinson and Yuyi Morales, who share their love of pictures as children inspired to work in the medium as adults. Children will surely enchant smart narrates and charming stories that have shared respondents. The scenes in which Barnett, Robinson and Morales read their work to children will leave the viewers completely enchanted by the magic of their words and illustrations. Similarly, adults are probably reminiscent of those exciting nights when someone they loved have read the picture book and opened the world.
Talk to your kids about …
Families can talk about how to show Mac, Christian and Yuyi bravery and respect other cultures and views with their work.
What is your favorite book and why? What teaches you about the world?
What would you ask Mac, Christiana and Yuyi about their work?
Movie details
On DVD or streaming
31. January 2025
Mac Barnett, Christian Robinson, Yuyi Morales -
Joanna Rudnick -
Information on inclusion
Female directors, gay actors, blacks, African American actors, women’s actors, Latin actors, Mexican actors
Roco films -
Documentary -
Character forces
Compassion, courage -
Perform time
84 minutes
MPAA Rating
A choice of common sense -
Last updated
25. February 2025
Did we miss something on diversity?
Research shows the connection between child’s healthy self-esteem and positive portraits in the media. That is why we added the “Different National Teams” section into our examinations that will overturn. You can help us to help children