7 cleaning tools should replace the way more often, for cleaning

When it comes to cleaning stocks, it is worth passing through your collection to see which items can continue to be used and which are required to replace since they are worn out.

We talked with two professional cleaning experts who weigh these items and more. Below, they talk to the best practices that will ensure that your home remains fresh and hygienic.


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How long do you use your sponge? In case you were not aware, sponges must not be used for weeks at the end.

“Spunge are one of the largest collectors in the kitchen, says Lexy Ford, the founder of the organization of passions.” Because they are constantly exposed to moisture and food particles, they quickly become breeding courts for harmful sprouts. ”

As such, Ford advises indicating to throw his sponge and replace him with new two weeks. Of course, he adds, if your sponge begins to smell or separate, be sure to replace it before.

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Toilet brushes

Many people move into a new space with a completely new toilet brush and don’t think they don’t replace it up to years. However, this practice is definitely not advised.

“Your toilet brush can spread more microbes than cleaning,” Ford says. “Because regularly comes in contact with bacteria, it can easily be contaminated, especially if it is not dried properly between use.”

For the most visible approach, be sure to replace your toilet brush once in six months, Ford suggests.

Liquid cleaning products

If you feel like they have been kept on the same cleaning products for a long time, they are insighted for you.

“Many people assume that cleaning products last forever, but it is true that their efficiency is reduced over time,” says Ford. “Disinfectants, glass cleaners and multi-purpose sprays can lose their potency because their active ingredients have broken.”

The next time you buy a new bottle of liquid cleaners, Ford recommends using a permanent marker for the purchase date. Be sure to use the product within six to 12 months after that for the best results.


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When it comes to your mop, Robin Murphy, the owner of the Maine Brigade, explains the importance of washing and disinfection after each use. Just treat him after use, it’s not good hygiene, says Murphy.

Despite that, the days of the mop will not last forever. Murphy explains that microfiber are the power, which she says hygienia from a string or sponge, can take you about six to nine months. By the way, however, she encourages people to replace their sponges of mothers after two months and strings after three to six months.


The concept for replacing the broom can seem to some.

“No one replaces brooms, but the bristles are worn and become less efficient,” Murphy says.

It encourages people to look after gathered and bent bristles, which suggest that your broom is on the last leg. In general, Murphy says, the broom will take one to two years, depending on use.

Dish towels

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Think about how often you come to the dish towel during the day. Murphy will use her not only to dry their hands, but also to wipe the surface of the sink, for example.

Although you don’t need to replace the dish towels until you become undamaged, you have to keep in mind so that you would be washed, probably far more often than you could think – Murphy recommends that every few days.

Vacuum filters

The real vacuum will take years, at the end, but it is necessary to watch the filter. Murphy suggests a filter washing or replacing it so often because they catch dust and a pet. It will replace it every three to six months, notificing that, when it comes to washing filters, they will wash them once a month.

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