So you’ve bought the right Christmas tree: your whole house will smell like pine, your Christmas spirit couldn’t be higher, and your divine connection with nature couldn’t be stronger. But there’s one problem — real Christmas trees are messy.
Maybe you have guests coming over, or maybe you just don’t want pine needles sticking into your cute, fluffy Christmas stockings all month. Whatever your desire to clean up, one thing’s for sure: You’ll need to find ways to prevent your natural Christmas tree from turning your home into a sticky, sweet, pine needle-riddled disaster.
As usual, TikTok has filled us with the Christmas cleaning hacks we need to keep our tree from getting in the way of our holiday cheer.
Shake It Out
First, before you even bring your tree into the house, remove the plastic fence that occasionally wraps around your tree while you’re out. Then, with the help of another person, shake the tree. The goal is to remove the already loose pine needles that are in the tree and minimize how much you drag into your house.
Remember, these trees grew to their great size in the wild, faced with wind storms, blizzards and more natural elements that shook them and still retain their needles, so they will be able to withstand an earthquake.
If you don’t have a friend to help you shake the tree and you are able to lift the tree yourself, you can grab the top of the tree and stand on the end of it, then shake it forward to knock out the needles.
One TikTok creator even used her leaf blower to remove loose needles, bugs, leaves and other debris before taking the tree into her home.
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Keep It Watered
You’ll also want to keep the tree as healthy as possible. Once the tree is dry, the pine needles are bound to fall off faster than if they were fresh, happy and attached to your tree. The longer it stays well watered, the more you can put away with a floor covered in green needles.
One way to ensure this is to make sure you have freshly cut the trunk of your tree before bringing it into your home. Think of it like you think of flowers you buy at the store – they’re already cut, but you add that extra fresh cut so they can get all the water and nutrients they need.
Now that your tree is cut down and you’ve shaken it out, you’ll want to choose a large tree stand that’s the right size and can hold enough water to keep the tree happy and healthy for as long as possible. A good tree stand will also keep your tree nice and steady, preventing needles from needlessly falling to the floor after you’ve set everything up. Now, if you can, leave it in some water for a few hours and give it another shake before bringing it into the house.
Sweep Regularly
To manage the cleanup throughout the month, you’ll want to clean or vacuum around the tree daily, of course. You’ll want to refresh the water as often as possible, and remove the skirt from the tree, shake it out, and put it back often.
Cutting down your tree
Now for the really messy part—taking down the tree after Christmas. The bottom line here is that it’s probably going to be a little messy no matter what, but there are ways to make it less of a disaster. One TikTok creator sets up a large sheet and cuts off each branch, placing it on a tin, so they can put tree scraps straight into compost bins or garden beds, rather than having to shove them past furniture and jam them through doors and throw out all the needles.
Other users just quickly take the tree outside and vacuum up the mess. But hopefully, if you follow all the tips to keep your tree healthy and happy while it’s up, the cleanup won’t be too bad. Happy decorating!